The main benefit of choosing a professional Orange County Luxury Real Estate Photographer is just not getting the home sold. Sad to say that a handful of of homes market every year with real poor real estate photography.
Nonetheless, Professional Orange County Luxury Real Estate Photography is really about how quickly the home sells, and whether or not you attract enough potential home buyers to the home who then compete against each other raise up the price.
In addition, a majority of Luxury Real Estate homeowners demand great Orange County Luxury Real Estate Photography and a fantastic marketing campaign from the luxury listing agent.
If you want to give yourself every chance to get a good result, then you have to start out with the one thing that impacts upon almost everything else in your marketing campaign — the professional real estate photography of your property.
What Does The Research Suggest About Luxury Orange County Real Estate Photography?
In a scientific study that tracked the eye movements of participants as they reviewed listings of a home online:
Overwhelmingly (95.1%), participants first look at the picture of the home.
After focusing on the photographs, participants next turn to the quantitative property description segment where the number of bedrooms, bathrooms, square footage, etc., are displayed.
Finally, the real estate agent’s open remarks segment is viewed. Very little emphasis is placed on this section.
Additionally, over 40 percent of all participants (20% of homebuyers; 62 percent of students) don’t even look at the real estate agent remarks section when viewing the first page of the home tour.
Does Professional Orange County Luxury Real Estate Photography Demand
A Higher Sale Price?
Lately, Redfin finished a study a few years ago and discovered that the quality of the real estate photography could add anywhere between $934 and $116,076 into the final sale price of your home.
Ranked, Listing Agents Who Use Professional Orange County Real Estate Photography Say It Will Help To Bring More Homebuyers And A Higher
A poll of 600 real estate agents in both Orange County and Los Angeles, CA discovered that 89% stated that great Orange County Luxury Real Estate Photography brings in much more curious homebuyers, and 52% say it helps them to achieve a higher sale price for the homeowner.
25 percent of homeowners that were surveyed said that the Orange County Luxury Real Estate Photography directed them to purchase their current home. Does all of this aid real estate agents like you?
Yes, Of Course…
Let’s say there is a homeowner who is selling their house, and they’ve got two different real estate agents to pick from. One of the Luxury Listing Agents takes their own photos in their smartphone or tablet computer, and the other more professional Luxury Realtor hires the Finest Orange County Luxury Real Estate Photographer in Orange County, CA.
When a homeowner is comparing the listings of these two agents, which one do you think the homeowner is going to select? Bear in mind, for this homeowner their home is their everything, so they have an emotional link with it. Plus they also want it to look outstanding so that they can make the highest possible sale price.
With that in mind, and assuming everything else is equal, the homeowner is probably likely to decide on the real estate agent that hires the professional Orange County Real Estate Photographer.
So it is pretty easy to see why Orange County Listing Agents who utilize high quality Luxury Real Estate Photography make higher commissions.
How Much Higher Is The Average Gross Commission Income For those Orange County Luxury Listing Agents?
According to this research it’s twice the amount per transaction. That tells us that agents using an Orange County Luxury Real Estate Photographer are selling more expensive homes, because owners at that price level are utilized to things being done well and at a high premium standard.
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