Understanding BIM
Building Information Modeling (BIM) is used by those who design, construct, operate and maintain built assets.
BIM equips architecture, engineering and construction organizations with the insight and tools to efficiently design, construct, maintain and operate built assets from the inception to the completion of projects and beyond during their operation through a model-based process. Its benefits are widely documented and include:
- the opportunity to develop better cost/time estimates
- a means to better engage clients in the design, construction and operation of assets.
- improved sustainability and asset management
- easy sharing of information within and across organizations via cloud storage and high-speed internet
- interdisciplinary collaboration and change management
- automatic information generation
- increased utility and speed
- better data integrity and quality
- improved data visualization
- enhanced defect resolution
- improved health and safety
- enhanced project productivity
Understanding Construction Planning
Construction planning is a fundamental yet challenging activity in the design, execution and operation of projects during all phases.
It involves :
- choosing technology,
- defining work tasks
- estimating required resources
- estimating task durations
- identifying task interactions
One of the key differences between traditional construction planning processes and BIM-enabled processes is that the former relates to a largely linear planning model with inconsistent and inefficient flow of data and information through a project lifecycle that can make it prone to inaccuracy, omissions and error.
Many tools and processes are available today can reduce the likelihood of this, capitalize on the benefits of BIM and generally improve productivity. These range from construction document management tools, data capture, monitoring and defect management tools
A good construction plan is also the basis for developing the budget and the schedule for work.
In developing a construction plan, it is common to emphasize schedule or cost control. Some projects are divided into categories with associated costs or schedules but most complex projects require consideration of both. Consequently planning, monitoring and record-keeping activities should consider both. In these cases, the integration of schedule through 4D BIM methodology and budget information through 5D BIM methodology is a major concern and consideration of integrating them wise.
BIM-inclusive Construction Planning
Projects are becoming increasingly complex and competitive, with greater demands on efficiency. Even the most ambitious and well-supported efforts suffer from delays or cost overruns; do not match expectations and sometimes both. Despite the significance of projects, it appears that in many cases their construction planning practices and techniques do not meet today’s challenges. This sets out the need for change.
Much of the potential for BIM has yet to be realized due to the current level of implementation and assessment. Currently, BIM is used in a hybrid manner around the world, with several differing approaches being used.
But the industry is moving forward – stakeholders are realizing that BIM is not a catch phrase but now a necessity to rise to the challenges facing construction planning today throughout a project lifecycle in order for them to remain competitive.
There are some notable industry trends, many of which influence the research and development of BIM tools and processes associated with aspects of construction planning.
- Innovation: speed of innovation
- Demographics: aging demographics demands new tools, skills and ease-of-use
- Health and Safety: drive to improve construction health and safety
- Information and Communication Technology: greater use of integrated information systems
- Modern Methods of Construction: training for new skills on-site, more mechanical handling on-site, reduction in demand for certain trades on-site, compensating increase in parallel trades off-site in factories, higher levels of computer aided design
- CO2 emission reduction and energy conservation: pressure to reduce the energy consumption increases demand for energy monitoring
- Other sustainability issues: pressures to reduce water usage and waste increases demand for water monitoring
In tandem with these trends BIM is considered the way forward for achieving it.
This investigation into why BIM is considered the future of construction planning was compiled by global BIM services provider IndiaCADworks.
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