How Many Homebuyers Searched the Internet For A Home?
In 2007, 80% of home buyers went online when searching for a home. Four years later, in 2011, the percentage of home buyers that searched the Internet when looking for a home, loft, condo, or townhouse went up to 89%. Consumers are purchasing and becoming proficient with more technology devices such as laptops, iPods, iPads, tablets and smartphones. These consumers are home buyers, and they enjoy shopping online.
This trend is displaying that potential homebuyers now recognize how useful technology is and therefore they are going to be better at noticing professional versus point-and-shoot real estate still photos. With all of the competition on the market, it’s essential to have Professional Real Estate Photography because they are your first, and maybe only impression, to the high percentage of homebuyers who are searching for homes online
How Many More Clicks Does Professional Real Photography Receive?
Using Professional Real Estate Photography can attract more attention to your real estate listings and result in more clicks by potential homebuyers. National Association of Realtors examined listings that used Professional Real Estate Photography and compared the click rates to listings both in the same MLS area and Zip Code. They found listings that utilized professional photos generated an average 140% increase in clicks compared to similar listings with normal point and shoot smartphone photos.
Although more clicks do not guarantee a sale, it does mean more potential homebuyers are viewing your listing online. Reaching more homebuyers with your listing increases your chance of finding the right homebuyer.
What Percentage of Homes Sold with Photos from a Professional Real Estate Photographer vs Normal Point-and-Shoot Camera?
The Wall Street Journal published a graph to show that in the majority of price brackets, more homes sold that had photos from Professional Real Estate Photography compared to still photos taken with a point-and-shoot camera. Professional Real Estate Photography can affect how a potential homebuyer looks at a listing and the benefits can be seen starting in the $300K price point.
What Percentage of Active Listings Use Professional Real Estate Photography?
Realtor.com researched MLS listings throughout the Nation and made note of listings utilizing Professional Real Estate Photography and listings that were represented with point-and-shoot photos. Overall, about half of the Real Estate listings are marketed with Professional Real Estate Photography.As expected, the higher the listing price, the more likely Professional Real Estate Photography is utilized.
If you are listing a home in a higher price bracket, you need to use Professional Real Estate Photography to match the rest of your competition. If you are listing in a price bracket with little Professional Real Estate Photography being used, take advantage and stick out from the competition by embracing Professional Real Estate Photography.
Make Professional Photography Part of Your Brand.
As a realtor, you may have to compete with your competition to obtain listings. Professional Real Estate Photography is an incredible way of improving your marketing portfolio when meeting with potential sellers. If a seller has to decide between a realtor that uses Professional Real Estate Photography versus a realtor that uses a point-and-shoot, they are more likely to go with the realtor that uses Professional Real Estate Photography.
Their home is a big investment and they want it marketed to the best of your ability. Using Professional Real Estate Photography, you are solidifying your marketing and showing the seller you mean business.
Save Time and Stress, Have a Professional Real Estate Photographer Handle the Still Photos.
Taking photos takes time. As a realtor, you have to drive to the property and go room by room snapping photos. But your work does not stop there. Once you get back to the office you have to pull the images off your camera and place them onto your computer before you can upload them to the MLS.
It is easy to get stressed when something goes wrong with your computer and your photos do not download correctly. If you happened to take a blurry photo, you have to decide to discard it or go back to the property to retake the shot. Otherwise you risk posting a photo to the MLS that does not meet your standard of quality and you end up advertising your brand in a poor manner when potential clients view your listing online.
A Professional Real Estate Photographer will not only take the still photos, but they will re-size them and send them to you over email or through their website. All you need to do is download the image files and upload to the MLS.
What To Avoid When Choosing A Professional Real Estate Photographer:
- Distorted architectural features. Homes are built with vertical walls. If wall joints and ceiling joints are curved, a good Professional Real Estate Photographer is using a wide-angle lens incorrectly. Make sure all horizontal and vertical lines are straight.
- Poor compositions. If the Real Estate Photographer is in a hurry, they will make poor composition choices. Your still photos should not be of the back of a sofa. Your Professional Real Estate Photographer should take enough time to examine the space and find the best compositions. Using composition correctly, a real estate photographer can omit items from the home such as a dog kennel.
- Fake “painting” photos. HDR (High Dynamic Range) is a process used to merge multiple photos together to create a great exposure. Although this process can be done correctly, many real estate photographers end up with a product that looks painted and fake. If their photos look painted, cartoon-like or “too good to be true”, you will want to avoid that real estate photographer so potential homebuyers are not greeted by a home that does not appear to be like the photos they saw online.
For the latest tech news and trends, Matterport 3D Tour information, Aerial Photography Service updates, 360 Virtual Tour projects, incredible HDR Real Estate Photography images, Architectural Photographer tools and much more, make sure to follow our blog: https://invisionstudio.com/blog/