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In the realm of asset management, presenting and marketing property remodels is crucial to attracting clients and investors. The advent of 360 virtual tour technology offers a revolutionary approach to showcasing these transformations.

This blog will explore the myriad ways asset management companies can utilize 360 virtual tours to display property remodels, offering a comprehensive and immersive experience. From enhancing online presence to providing a detailed showcase of renovations, 360 virtual tours are setting new standards in property presentation and asset marketing.

Leveraging 360 Virtual Tours for Property Remodels:

  1. Immersive Before and After Showcases:
    • Contrast and Compare: Utilize 360 virtual tours to create a side-by-side comparison of properties pre and post remodel. This not only demonstrates the value added through the renovation but also provides a transparent and detailed view of the changes made.
  2. Interactive Storytelling of the Remodel Journey:
    • Narrative-Driven Tours: Embed narratives or stories into your tours that guide potential clients through the remodel process. Highlighting the vision, the challenges overcome, and the strategies employed in the renovation can engage viewers and create a compelling story around the property.
  3. Enhanced Client Engagement and Accessibility:
    • Remote Touring: With 360 virtual tours, prospective clients or investors can remotely access and walk through the property, experiencing the remodel’s impact without physical constraints. This convenience can significantly broaden the potential market reach and is particularly beneficial in today’s increasingly digital world.
  4. Efficient and Effective Marketing Tool:
    • Integrate with Marketing Campaigns: 360 virtual tours can be a centerpiece in online marketing campaigns, offering a dynamic and interactive element that stands out in digital listings, emails, and social media. The engaging nature of virtual tours can lead to higher interaction rates and prolonged interest.

Strategies for Implementing 360 Virtual Tours:

  1. Quality and Precision in Imaging:
    • Professional Capture: Invest in high-quality 360-degree cameras or professional services to ensure your virtual tours are clear, well-lit, and accurately represent the property. The quality of the tour reflects on the perceived value of the property and the professionalism of the company.
  2. Highlighting Key Features and Upgrades:
    • Focused Features: Use the virtual tour to guide viewers’ attention to significant upgrades and features resulting from the remodel. Whether it’s a revamped kitchen, an added bathroom, or enhanced outdoor space, make sure these are clearly highlighted and easy to navigate to within the tour.
  3. Regularly Updating Virtual Content:
    • Keep Content Current: As properties undergo further improvements or as new remodels are completed, update the virtual tours to reflect these changes. Keeping content fresh and current is vital in maintaining interest and ensuring the tours accurately represent the properties.
  4. Seamless Integration with Other Digital Assets:
    • Comprehensive Online Presence: Ensure that your 360 virtual tours are easy to access and view from your company’s website, property listings, and other digital platforms. Seamlessness in accessing these tours enhances user experience and can significantly increase engagement.


360 virtual tours represent a transformative tool in the arsenal of asset management companies, especially when it comes to showcasing property remodels. They offer an immersive, interactive, and highly engaging way to display the results of property investments.

By adopting and integrating 360 virtual tours into their marketing and presentation strategies, asset management companies can not only enhance the appeal of their remodeled properties but also improve their overall market presence and efficiency in attracting clients and investors. The future of property showcasing is here with 360 virtual tours, and embracing this technology will undoubtedly lead to more dynamic, effective, and successful property marketing strategies.



Chris Lara - Owner, Creative Legacy Agency

I eat, breathe, and sleep marketing. It is my life and my passion. Manifesting dreams into reality for entrepreneurs is what I live for.

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