As a school, providing enough information online to students looking to enroll into a college or university can be a challenging task. From finding the proper way to display your facilities, dorms, and student housing units, to generating the same energy and culture created by the student body; without ever physically stepping foot onto a college campus, it is nearly impossible to depict the true essence of the experience.
This is much more of a concern when it comes to international students. It is very common for them to select a college or university solely based on the information available online. To make matters worse, most students from across the globe are unable to afford travel expenses incurred when looking visit multiple college or university campuses.
In order to attract a quality student body, along with high enrollment numbers, it is very important to accurately present the unique aspects of your college or university. Invision Studio’s College Virtual Tours, College Campus Photography and Aerial Photography Services enable prospective students worldwide to interact with the most accurate representation of college life, without ever setting foot on campus.
Our College Virtual Tours, College Campus Photography and Aerial Photography Services:
In this day and age, young adults have come to expect a high level of technological convenience, which is great because Invision Studio College Virtual Tours are accessible on all mobile platforms. This important feature gives anyone in the world access to your college or university campus on any smartphone or tablet, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Although these University Virtual Tours, University Campus Photography and Aerial Photography Services cannot fully replace an in-person visit, they certainly have shown to be a significant reason why a prospective student will decide to travel to campus for a firsthand look.
Our College Virtual Tours, College Campus Photography, and Aerial Photography Services, do more create an immersive experience of your school’s campus. These powerful and incredible online marketing tools strengthen any university’s online web presence, and will affect the number of website views, thus extending the duration of each site visit. These numbers go a long way toward optimizing your website and increasing the chance of future alumni finding your college or university online.
The average cost for a School or University to receive a College Virtual Tour, School Photography, or Aerial Photography is roughly $2500 per service.
An average enrollment is well beyond the price of any of Invision Studio’s University Photography Services, therefore it would take one enrollment to pay off your initial investment into Tours, Photos, and Aerials.
With only one enrollment needed to pay off the School Photography Services, it would take less than one day to pay off your investment into 360 Tours, University Photos, and Drone Photography.
It will take 1 day to pay off your investment
You choose a date range that fits your schedule and we find the best time to get a 360 photographer out to shoot your property.
Our certified photographers arrive, set up the property, and capture all requested panoramic views, still photos, and aerial images.
Our skilled team of editors and programmers touch up your photos, stitch your 360 panoramas, and code/produce your 360 Tour.
Our project managers oversee the process from start to finish and ensure that each project is delivered on time and to your liking.
Turnaround time for a Project is 14-21 Days
See what InvisionStudio can do for your College, School, or University...