Recent research has clearly demonstrated interactive 360 Virtual Tours help decrease:
- Website bounce rates
- Maintain customers on websites
- And increase returning customer frequency
In addition, 360 Virtual Tours consist of optional audio tracks and navigation menus spot navigation, YouTube & Vimeo clips, Audio hotspots, social media links, site links and a great deal more.
Interactive 360 Virtual Tours captivate visitors to save money hours. As a consequence the longer they live and linger on clicking and investigating, the greater your search rank will soon likely be.
Additionally, interactive 360 Virtual Tours assist increase returning visits to your site.
Using something as straightforward as a Google Analytics code you seamlessly be able to understand that panoramas are the most visited, that interactive virtual feature your customers just click the maximum, just how many customers visit your 360 virtual tour and duration of their total engagement with your site.
With this near real time data you’ll probably be making adjustments for the tour in virtually almost no moment.