When attempting to find a 360 Virtual Tour Company, usually there are a handful of factors to consider. Our 360 Virtual Tour Photographers are firm believers that real estate agents must not use do-it-yourself solutions for both residential and commercial listings.
What Type of Virtual Tour Do They Provide?
Some ‘virtual tour’ companies capture only still pictures and then use these pictures to create a motion effect. Our 360 Virtual Tour Photographers usually advise that you don’t pay a virtual tour price for a motion slide show.
Is the Final Version of the 360 Virtual Tour Actually Interactive?
How does the 360 Virtual Tour Photography Company actually define ‘interactive’? Make sure that the final product looks professional.
Professional interactive 360 Virtual tours combine the power of a virtual tour with the’point-and-click’ functionality of the internet. They have on your’hot-spots’ that enable audiences to go from room to room without leaving the screening area.
What Kind of Camera Lens Does the 360 Virtual Tour Company Use?
High-quality virtual tours should not distort any feature of your properties. If not corrected, fisheye lenses cause countertops and walls to appear rounded and windows will look bowed.
When searching for a 360 Virtual Tour Company, be sure to search for companies that use a wide-angle lens. The wide angle lens captures more of the property without sacrificing the quality of the 360 Virtual Tour.
Do They Have More than One 360 Virtual Photographer?
Let’s face the facts, things go wrong sometimes and your time is limited. If they only have one 360 Virtual Photographer and that Virtual Tour Photographer gets sick or cannot make your appointment, make sure that the company can have an alternate 360 Photographer arrive at your appointment.
Does the 360 Virtual Tour Company Carry Liability Insurance With Sufficient Feb Occurrence and Aggregate Coverages?
You don’t want to be left paying for damages to a seller’s home if a photographer were to cause unintended damage. Virtual Tours require that equipment be carried into and out of residential and commercial properties.
An assortment of properties have expensive vases, statues and even furniture that can get unintentionally damaged. Make sure the company has policies to maintain both parties covered and protected.
Is the 360 Virtual Tour Photography Company Experienced?
Find out instantly if your 360 Virtual Tour Photographer has expertise. Although inexperienced 360 Virtual Tour Photography Companies will be quite eager to dip their teeth into a job and will probably offer you a very great’deal’, you do not want them’practicing’ on your own dime. Make sure that you get references or check out testimonials.
For the latest tech news and trends, Matterport 3D Tour information, Aerial Photography Service updates, 360 Virtual Tour jobs, incredible HDR Real Estate Photography images, Architectural Photographer tools and much more, make certain to follow our blog: https://invisionstudio.com/blog/